Accelerate Your Nonprofit Consulting Business Today

Growing a profitable, sustainable, and mission-driven business isn’t easy.
But it is possible.

We know, because we’ve done it. 

We grew Funding for Good from a part-time side hustle to a successful and impactful half-a-million-dollar business.
Now we’re ready to help you create your dream nonprofit consulting business.

Our 60-Day Nonprofit Consulting Boot Camp supports nonprofit consultants at every stage of business growth. That includes you, if you’re:

  • NDreaming of leaving your full-time job and starting your own consulting business
  • NReady to take your side-hustle full-time but need support to take the leap.
  • NWorking too many hours in your consulting business, but not hitting your income goals.
  • NEager to scale up your successful consulting business.

May Boot Camp is Now Closed

Our Next Boot Camp Starts Sept 9 Enroll Today!

Take the Guesswork Out of Growing your Consulting Business

Got questions? Schedule a call to see if Boot Camp is right for you!

Work One-on-One with Seasoned Nonprofit Consultants

Mandy Pearce
Owner, Funding for Good
Marie Palacios
Lead Consultant, Funding for Good

“I founded my company, Funding for Good, in 2009 during the Great Recession. It definitely wasn’t easy. But that experience helped me establish a mindset of experimentation and diversification of funding streams that still guides the company today. I’ve built a nimble team of consultants, enabling us to test out new services and products, quickly identify what works and what doesn’t, and prioritize the activities that are both financially and personally rewarding.

“I learned many lessons about launching, running, and growing a business the hard way. To make it easier for the next class of entrepreneurs, Funding for Good launched our 60-Day Nonprofit Consulting Boot Camp. We work with small business owners at every stage of growth, coaching them on how to build profitable and sustainable businesses that can weather economic ups and downs.”

– Mandy Pearce, Owner, Funding For Good

Boot Camp Gets Results

One alum just had their first 6-figure year—without even consulting full time yet.

One alum raised her rates by $100/hour and tripled her monthly income—within the first month after Boot Camp.
One alum went from hourly to project-based pricing, kept 6 of 7 clients, and added 2 new clients—all in the first quarter after Boot Camp.

Funding for Good’s Track Record

We founded Funding for Good in 2009 during the depths of the Great Recession.

We grew from a part-time side hustle making $30K per year to a half-a-million-dollar business. 

We successfully raised our rates from $25/hour to $250+/hour.

We went from a small NC-focused consulting company to a nationally recognized and in-demand consulting company for nonprofits and small businesses of all sizes across the U.S.

Enrollment for May Now Closed

Join Our September Boot Camp

Take the Next Step In Growing Your Consulting Business Today!

Get all of your questions answered.

Boot camp isn’t like other business coaching programs.

We limit enrollment in each session because Boot Camp is customized for every single participant.

Over 60 focused days, we’ll roll up our sleeves and work together to:

  • Identify and solve your unique business pain points.
  • Find the best strategies and shortcuts to create your ideal business—so you can benefit from lessons we learned the hard way. 
  • Hone your services, products, and pricing—so you can make more for doing work you love.
  • Help you weed out bad clients and land more of your dream clients.
  • Design systems that will save you time and increase client satisfaction.
  • Customize the templates that every consultant needs (like contract templates) but can never seem to find.
  • Coach you through navigating challenges and opportunities—as they arise.
  • Connect you to a network of experts who can build your website, design your brand and logo, incorporate your business, or upgrade your accounting.

Boot Camp isn’t a cookie-cutter coaching program or business accelerator. Boot Camp is about giving you exactly what you need to take your consulting business to the next level.

Two young professionals sitting in front of their computers discussing nonprofit governance.

“When I started Bootcamp, I knew I needed a lot of help running my business. I knew the grants world, but I didn’t know the self-employed consultant world. Mandy helped me get critical structures in place for my business, from client contracts to marketing to planning for scalability. My in-depth sessions with Marie helped me completely overhaul my service offerings— something I didn’t know I needed. I now have defined service offerings (with precise deliverables and timelines), and a business plan and marketing strategy. Before Bootcamp, business was picking up but I felt like I didn’t know what I was doing on the backend to manage and grow my business. Now I’m onboarding additional team members, creating my first webinar, and feeling like I have all of the tools and resources I need. Honestly, within the first week I could tell I would get way more than my money’s worth and I did. 11/10. Highly Recommend. Would do again!”

Justine Krank

Owner, Gold Dust Grants Consulting

“For those considering signing up for FFG Bootcamp, I highly recommend taking the leap! The FFG Team had a great process to tailor the bootcamp experience to my specific business needs. Mandy and Marie asked thought-provoking questions, shared their insights, and provided feedback on my services, pricing, and ideal clients. I now feel confident and prepared to grow my business in 2024!”

Angie Sullivan

Founder and Principal, CEG Results

Funding for Good’s Boot Camp showed me the value of the services I provide and helped me realize how much I was underpricing those services. More importantly, Boot Camp taught me an entirely new way to communicate my services so that I’m highlighting their value. I’m looking forward to putting more work into my business and seeing the results, all from my experience in Boot Camp.

Theresa Lubke

Owner, Lubke Consulting Group, LLC

Boot Camp with Mandy and Marie was a fabulous experience! Before bootcamp I felt stuck & lacked confidence. Mandy put a plan and goals in place for me. Marie helped me get into the details of my services. I accomplished more in Q1 than I did all of last year & have the momentum to keep going. I walked away with the tools to handle clients from discovery to completion. Plus Camellia wrote me a fabulous bio! Next step: keep involved with the Hive, where I get continual support and learn from others!

Libby Dawe

Owner, Ldawe Consulting

“My business came further in Funding For Good’s Consulting Boot Camp in 8 weeks than it would have in 8 months without it. The same could be said for my confidence!”

T. Fox

Owner, Why Wise Fundraising

“FFG Boot Camp – Best Business Decision 2022! Mandy helped me align my fees and contracts to ensure my business was growing in both efficiency and profitability.”

C. Teddy

Owner, C. Teddy Consulting, LLC

60 Days of Focused, Collaborative Work

What’s included in our 60-day program: 

Bi-weekly hour-long private coaching calls with Mandy – where we’ll focus on what you need to take your business to the next level.

Two custom messaging sessions with Funding for Good’s team, up to two hours each.

Templates, tools, and samples based on your specific needs.

Invitation to a private networking session with our exclusive nonprofit consulting community, The Hive.

Done-for-you copywriting support or SEO strategy development to jumpstart your marketing efforts.

Access to free trainings developed specifically for nonprofit consultants worth $397.

Ongoing email support during the two-month Boot Camp.

Two weeks of follow-up email support after Boot Camp as you continue implementing your business strategies.

Are you ready to set your own hours, get paid what you’re worth, and choose who you work with and how?

Boot Camp can help you:

  • $Build or strengthen the foundation of your business.
  • $Increase your income without increasing your hours.
  • $Land more ideal, and well-paying, clients.
  • $Create passive income streams that pay.
  • $Streamline your systems and processes to save time and money.

“I found my ideal consulting niche, launched my business, and landed my first dream clients (plural!). In 60 days of Boot Camp, I learned what would’ve otherwise taken me years to figure out.”

C. Phillips

Owner, Evergreen Words

“Mandy and Marie’s wise guidance helped my business reach a higher level of organization and professionalism in just two months. I have much-improved descriptions of my services, various client contract options, and intake forms to accelerate onboarding clients. Boot Camp was so worth the time and money!”

Anne Rogers

Operations Consultant

“Mandy is smart, funny, direct, and supportive with a wealth of personal history building businesses, humbly sharing her mistakes and successes along the way.”

D. Floyd

Owner, Writing for Good

Funding for Good’s Bootcamp is the best coaching program I’ve ever done (and I’ve done a lot!). Because I’ve been burned before, I was reluctant at first to invest the money. I was not disappointed! Bootcamp delivered above and beyond my expectations. Mandy, Marie, & their team know what it’s like to work with nonprofits because they’re nonprofit consultants themselves and they have worked for nonprofits. The coaching I received during Bootcamp was customized specifically to my needs, where I am in my business, and what I need to go to the next level. I highly recommend Bootcamp for any nonprofit consultant who wants to grow their business.

Laura Gamble

Owner, Laura Gamble Consulting

“When I launched my business 2.5 years ago, I wasn’t sure exactly how my services would grow or even if my business would be successful. Now that I’m a bit more stable, I found myself considering ways I could sustainably grow my business. I made the intentional investment in FFG’s Bootcamp so I could get feedback from experienced professionals on the ideas rumbling around my head. At the end of my sessions, I had actionable ideas and templates, plus a sense of my next steps. Although I still have a lot of work to do, it’s with a great plan, thanks to Mandy and Marie!”

Erin Tatum

Owner, Nonprofit Nomad

“When I started consulting, it was more of a side gig without a plan for growth. With Mandy and Marie’s help, I’ve been able to create more structure and systems that have already made my business more efficient and effective. FFG Bootcamp’s one-on-one approach was so helpful for me as it allowed me to get specific guidance tailored to my existing business. My only regret is that I didn’t sign up for Bootcamp sooner!”

Elizabeth Beeson

Owner, Beeson Grant Consulting

“I love Mandy’s no-nonsense style. I didn’t need someone affirming my every wrong/ineffective decision. I needed someone with a solid track record of success who could be both supportive and honest.”

Kim Collier

Owner, Como Solutions LLC

“Bootcamp gave me the clarity I needed after two years of running my nonprofit consulting business. It helped me redefine and shape my offerings, streamline systems, and adopt a project-based approach that will save me a significant amount of time in the future. Perhaps most importantly, Bootcamp allowed me to invest in myself as a businesswoman. I have already seen the return on my investment and can already say it was well worth it. Thanks, FFG team!”

Lydia Weflen

Owner, Lydia Lynn Strategies, LLC

Register for Boot Camp

Take the Next Step in Growing Your Consulting Business Today!

Find out if Boot Camp is right for you.

Starts September 9, 2024

You Have Questions, We Have Answers

Is Boot Camp group work or individualized?

Boot Camp is a 100% individualized program. 

There are certain key elements that everyone receives: coaching calls with me, messaging sessions with Marie, and SEO/copywriting services with Camellia. But what we work on together is driven by YOUR individual goals.

No group sessions where people zone out. No standard curriculum that doesn’t meet your needs. For those 60 days, our team is focused on how we can help you grow and strengthen your business.

Why is it called Boot Camp?

When we first launched Boot Camp we envisioned it as an intensive program to help nonprofit consultants grow their businesses faster and more easily. After 20 years as nonprofit consultants, we had learned a lot of lessons (often the hard way). We wanted to use this hard-earned wisdom to help other nonprofit consultants.

We called it Boot Camp to reflect that it’s an intensive program—where you will work hard on your business and see real results!

But you aren’t doing it alone. We’re there, right alongside you, providing insights and helping you build the life and business you want.

Why is it only 60 days? That seems short.

We initially chose 60 days (74 days if you count the included post-program support) because we wanted Boot Camp to be intensive and impactful.

If you’re ready to work on your business, Boot Camp can be transformational. Over two and half months, we take you from setting achievable and motivating goals to accomplishing those goals (or making major progress). We are your coach, experts-on-call, and accountability partner. We also set you up for long-term success, with 12-month goals, process steps, and options for on-call support when you need it.

Recently, research has come out that backs our approach! Focused programs can deliver the same results as longer-term, more expensive business coaching.

What types of nonprofit consultants do you work with?

The array of services nonprofit consultants provide is seemingly endless. Nonprofits are businesses, which means they need many of the same services as businesses need, like IT and accounting. But nonprofits also have unique needs, such as fundraising and board development.

In Boot Camp, we work with every type of nonprofit consultant. For example:

  • Grant writers
  • Executive and leadership coaches
  • Fundraisers
  • Copywriters
  • Board development experts
  • Event planners
  • And more…
Why is Boot Camp limited to 7 participants per session?

Because Boot Camp is so personalized, we don’t want to spread ourselves too thin. So we limit the number of people we take each session. During Boot Camp, YOU and your business are our priority. 

Who would I work with during Boot Camp?

During Boot Camp, you will have hour-long coaching calls with me every other week, plus unlimited emails. That means you can email me anytime during Boot Camp (and for two weeks after) with questions about your business. Before we start our work together, we’ll also connect to discuss your challenges and goals—and decide how I can best support you throughout our time together.

You’ll also have two two-hour messaging sessions with Marie. Areas she might help you with include: Designing or refining your services. Developing your branding. Streamlining your intake and service delivery (so you can earn more and work less). Creating and marketing products for passive income. Learning to communicate better with clients. And more! Because it is so customized, you’ll connect with Marie in advance to choose your focus.

Finally, you’ll work with Camellia, our own SEO strategist and copywriter (also a Boot Camp alum!). She can revamp your bio, develop your SEO strategy, outline a new or revised website, help you figure out “what to write about,” and more. You’ll do a brief intake call with her and then she’ll get to work!

I'm looking for a career with flexibility and freedom. Will nonprofit consulting deliver that?

We recently surveyed nonprofit consultants online and learned that freedom, time, and flexibility are the top motivators for starting a business. Luckily, nonprofit consulting can deliver that, along with the ability to make more money, choose your clients, and work from anywhere. But we also hear from plenty of nonprofit consultants who are working tirelessly and barely making ends meet.

That’s where Boot Camp comes in. In Boot Camp, we give you all the best tips and systems to create a truly sustainable consulting business that works for you. So instead of having to learn lessons on your own (by making mistakes), you can benefit from our 40+ combined years of experience and everything we learned the hard way.

Is now a good time to start a nonprofit consulting business?

It’s hard to miss the frequent headlines about economic turbulence, pending recession, and compounding layoffs. All of which can make many would-be nonprofit consultants wonder if they should wait to launch their business until the economy is stronger. Here at Funding for Good, we understand the feeling. We launched our business during the Great Recession!

The truth is, the best time to launch your consulting business shouldn’t be determined by external factors. It’s about whether you are ready to put in the work of building a successful business.

Can nonprofit consultants work from anywhere?

Nonprofit Boot Camp is open to consultants all over the country—and the world—who work with US-based clients. The truth is, when you run your own business, there are few geographic limitations. We’ve coached consultants who work in every US time zone—and as far away as Sicily.

What if I want to connect with other nonprofit consultant peers?

If you’re looking to connect with peers, you can sign up for our annual Nonprofit Consulting Conference or join our online community, The Hive.

Can I pay monthly?

We offer two payment options for Boot Camp. You can make a single upfront payment or pay in two installments before Boot Camp begins. Like you, we are also consultants. When you sign up for Boot Camp, you are reserving our time to support you. That means not taking on other clients.

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