Growing with Intent

Webinar Series:
Nonprofit Capacity Building

Pro-level (& accessible) trainings for everyone working hard towards sustainable funding


Handouts Included


60 Minutes



$47 Each


1 year after purchase

About The Series

Build a Successful, Sustainable Organization.

Nonprofit growth doesn’t come easy…or at least that’s what we’re told

What if you could grow strategically and increase your impact without

  • overextending your team,
  • stretching your funding,
  • and exhausting your volunteers?

Growth without overwhelm is possible.

At Funding For Good, we’ve worked with nonprofits to help them increase capacity alongside growth for decades.

Learn how to turn growing pains into growing gains.

In this webinar series, we’ll show you how to engage your team in tasks that increase resources and impact. Our experts will take you, step-by-step, into capacity-building tactics and strategies.


  • Hiring and Retention
  • Partnership Planning
  • Engaging Stakeholders
  • Outsourcing and More

Our Capacity-Building Series is for You if:

  • Your organization has hit an impact ceiling and you’re not sure how to break through
  • Your nonprofit is new and leadership needs high-quality training
  • You’re a board member and want to know how to better support the organization

Make it your year to grow with intent!

I appreciate the comprehensiveness of the webinars. It keeps me grounded and focused on the work and gives me just enough so that I can continue on without being overwhelmed. I always appreciate the quality of the presentations. Bravo! You really care about us. And the content? Superb. Always thought-provoking and gives me a way to take the next step.

– Mary Ann

Buy All 12 Webinars in This Series and Save


Check here to purchase all topics in this series:

Nonprofit Capacity Building Webinar Series Original price was: $564.00.Current price is: $444.00.

Select the individual topic(s) you’d like to purchase:

Knowing When to Grow: Capacity Building Basics$47.00
Transitioning from a Working to a Governing Board$47.00
Hiring for Sustainability$47.00
Equipping Impactful Leaders$47.00
Developing High-Functioning Leaders$47.00
Creating a Culture of Strategic Thinking$47.00
Increasing Engagement Through Targeted Messaging$47.00
Engaging Stakeholders to Drive Decision-Making$47.00
High Impact Partnership Planning$47.00
Increasing Operating Capacity: How to Grow$47.00
Outsourcing for Growth$47.00
Understand & Maximize Capacity-Building Grants$47.00

Topics and Descriptions

Knowing When to Grow: Capacity Building Basics

Learn to assess your organizational needs and resources to create viable strategies for growth.


Do you find yourself engaged in conversations about hiring more staff, expanding programs, building a facility, adding to existing space, or extending operating hours? Identifying when and how to grow are challenging next steps in the life cycle of any organization.

Join Funding For Good as we identify ways to know when to grow, next steps to consider based on your organization’s capacity building needs, and resources to help achieve your goals.


  • The top 3 areas for capacity-building.
  • Tips for prioritizing capacity-building initiatives.
  • Understanding when you are close to or at capacity.
  • Ways to leverage resources for growth.

Equipping Impactful Leaders

Explore strategies to foster an informed, educated, and connected board and staff.


Are you seeking ways to raise the caliber of leadership within your organization? A positive and productive work culture begins with decision-makers.

Join Funding for Good as we provide the basic framework needed to get the board and staff on the same page. This session highlights strategic ways to invest in leadership development without burning out leaders or breaking the bank.


  • Assessing leadership’s knowledge of governance and operations.
  • Strategies to keep team members informed.
  • How to retain and increase institutional knowledge.
  • High-impact, low-stress ways to engage teams.

Increasing Engagement Through Targeted Messaging


Do you want to create messaging that compels your audience to engage? Purpose-driven organizations should constantly be sharing both statistics and stories.

Join Funding for Good as we outline simple ways to share your impact in ways that generate both interest and income. This session is ideal for organizational ambassadors who are preparing for in-person or written appeals.


  • Core messaging every nonprofit should have.
  • Ways to share an organization’s impact in ways that excite and engage stakeholders.
  • The 7 most essential components of a successful ‘ask’ (tool included).
  • Audience engagement strategies.

Increasing Operating Capacity: How to Grow


Once you’ve confirmed that your organization is ready to build capacity, what are the first steps in the process?

Join Funding For Good as we break down the capacity-building process into bite-sized steps and show you how to create a custom action and implementation plan specific to your needs. One size does NOT fit all in planning processes, but there are some steps everyone can take to progress and we’ll share these tools, tips and templates during our session. We’ll also discuss budget considerations and fundraising ideas to fuel your growth from inception.


  • The 3 primary areas of capacity-building and ways to confirm readiness.
  • A sample action and implementation plan for a capacity-building initiative.
  • Budgeting processes required for fundraising success.

Transitioning from a Working to a Governing Board


Turn growing pains into growing gains as you prepare your nonprofit for hiring and managing staff.

Is your board hiring and managing staff for the first time? Learning to “let go” while actively supporting a new executive staff is a balancing act that challenges even the best of boards.

Join Funding for Good as we clarify how board structures and roles shift when onboarding your first staff member. This session breaks down key conversations and processes to streamline governance and management duties during staffing growth.


  • Different board structures.
  • Common expectations of working and governing boards.
  • Best practices for transitioning from a working to a governing board.
  • A checklist for hiring an organization’s first executive staff.

Developing High-Functioning Leaders

Establish expectations, measurable performance criteria, and incentives to maximize staff impact.


Is your team doing a “great job” or “falling short?” Many leaders make those claims, but most cannot back statements up with metrics.

Join Funding for Good as we outline ways organizations can assess the return on investment (ROI) of staff positions. This session is designed to help supervisors define success in measurable terms, implement performance reviews, and equip current and emerging leaders.


  • Processes to establish key performance indicators (KPIs).
  • Strategies to support staff success.
  • Top priorities when onboarding the first staff members
  • The importance of performance evaluation tools and timelines.
  • Tips for fostering a positive and productive work culture.

Engaging Stakeholders to Drive Decision-Making


Are you seeking meaningful ways to engage stakeholders in your mission? Assuming that all stakeholders are motivated by the same things is one of the most common mistakes organizations can make.

Join Funding for Good as we dive into creative yet proven ways to foster a culture of stakeholder engagement. This session highlights ways to streamline processes and maintain meaningful interactions with those who are invested in your work.


  • How to identify an organization’s stakeholders.
  • Ways to engage various stakeholder groups.
  • Crafting questions to secure targeted feedback.
  • Generating feedback to inform decision-making processes.

Outsourcing for Growth


Outsourcing helps increase productivity directly and indirectly by allowing staff to focus on what they do best. Outsourcing is often overlooked as a strategy when exploring capacity-building options.

Join Funding For Good as we dive into the world of outsourcing, how to assess current needs and how to incorporate outsourcing into your business model to increase efficiency, control costs, and maximize impact.


  • Steps in determining the ROI (Return On Investment) of current staff and systems.
  • Maximizing the unique brilliance and time of current human resources.
  • How to assess potential outsourcing prospects.
  • Next steps in outsourcing processes (checklist included).

Hiring for Sustainability


A new study reveals an “alarming” trend on the horizon for nonprofit organizations around the U.S. “… 45% of responding nonprofit employees indicated that they will seek new or different employment in the next five years. Of that group, 23% said that nonprofits would not be among the types of organizations they intend to pursue.” (Forbes)

Scary, right?!

Even scarier is the fact that most nonprofits don’t have format recruitment OR retention strategies.

If you are ready to create strategies to attract and retain quality employees for your organization, join us for this one-hour session. We’ll cover everything from assessing organizational needs and creating ideal job descriptions, to creating successful interview and onboarding processes that lead to higher retention.


  • How to assess needs and job requirements of staff positions.
  • Customizing job descriptions to attract ideal prospects (checklist included).
  • Processes for identifying and interviewing job candidates.
  • Initial onboarding and retention strategies.

Creating a Culture of Strategic Thinking

Foster a positive, proactive work culture through communication and action-planning strategies.


Because “there are never enough hours in the day” to accomplish everything on a nonprofit’s plate, making every minute count” is the next best option.

Join Funding for Good as we share best practices for minimizing distractions and maximizing results. This session is perfect for leaders seeking “take it away, use it today” tips and tools for action planning.


  • Ways strategic planning drives strategic thinking.
  • How to engage your team in streamlined action-planning processes (template included).
  • Ensuring accountability while remaining adaptable.
  • Ways to foster creativity without losing focus or momentum.

High Impact Partnership Planning


Is your organization ready to share your sandbox and create partnerships that will increase your capacity? There are lots of variables to consider when seeking partners for your organization, programs, and projects that can make or break successful growth.

Join Funding For Good as we explore ways to assess and determine current partnership realities, considerations for potential partners, and thoughtful ways to share resources to optimize impact for all organizations working together.


  • Assessing current partnership realities.
  • How to determine strategic partnership needs.
  • Identifying who could and SHOULD be considered for potential partnerships.
  • Resource-sharing options to maximize partnerships.

Understand & Maximize Capacity-Building Grants


Giving by foundations increased 17 percent in 2020 to an estimated $88.55 billion, and has grown for ten consecutive years, according to the Giving USA 2020 report. How can you benefit from this trend?

Grants should only be one part of your funding plans, but they can be well worth the time commitment required, if cultivated correctly. Often grants, especially matching grants, can help leverage your hard work to increase sustainability. This makes matching grants an ideal funding stream for long-term growth. While much of the process is the same, matching grants do require a bit more preparation than a traditional proposal.

Talking to foundation staff can be scary and overwhelming, but is a vital piece of successful grant writing. How do you empower foundation donors to donate more AND become advocates for your cause? In this webinar, we’ll cover how to communicate with donors that their immediate support lays the foundation for long-term sustainability and success.


  • Key components of sustainability planning and how matching grants are a useful tool in creating long-term sustainability.
  • Quick tips for including a capacity-building component into every proposal or appeal.
  • Effective communication strategies to engage and retain foundation donors.
  • The top 3 things that can be leveraged in grants.

Additional Webinar Series On-Demand

A group of staff and board members in a conference room brainstorming, showing why creative thinking is important in strategic planning.

Grant Writing

You don’t have time to hunt down the Google rabbit hole looking for good information. Become a grant writing pro with our 12 in-depth webinars.

Nonprofit Leadership Development

Learn how to build a positive culture of leadership to fulfill your mission. We’re covering everything nonprofit leadership: strategic planning, roles, board development, time management, and more.

Fundraising Fundamentals

More impact means more funding. We cover fundraising from beginning to end to help you create your own system for generating funding. If you’re new to fundraising or a fundraising pro, this webinar is for you.

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