Leading with Intent

Webinar Series:
Leadership Development

Pro-level (& accessible) trainings for everyone working hard towards sustainable funding


Handouts Included


60 Minutes



$47 Each


1 year after purchase

About The Series

Create Change with Consistent Measurable Impact

Inspiring positive change is the goal of any nonprofit.
You’re here to make the world a better place!

It’s such important work and who else will do it if you don’t?

Nonprofit leaders are the ones always stepping up, pushing the mission forward, making tough decisions, and rallying the team.

Yet all too often leaders find themselves putting out fires.
They juggle the board, staff, volunteers, hiring, firing…it’s a lot to manage.

It leaves little to no time for innovation (or sleep, for that matter).

At Funding For Good, we’ve worked with hundreds of nonprofits over the years to empower their leaders with the knowledge they need to create a positive and productive culture.

The key to greater impact is to lead with intent.

Learn how to build a positive culture of leadership to fulfill your mission.

Designed to help refocus, recharge, and redirect energy so you and your team can create even more impact.

We’re covering everything nonprofit leadership: strategic planning, roles, board development, time management, and more.

12 Webinars for Leaders At All Levels

  • Pro-level highly accessible training. Put all 12 webinars together and you’ll end up with an unofficial degree in nonprofit leadership.
  • A small library of tools, complete with checklists and worksheets that you can use whenever you want.
  • Each webinar is full of key pointers you can implement immediately to create a stronger leadership culture.

Our In-Depth Leadership Series is Built for You If:

  1. You’re new to your leadership position and want high-quality training
  2. You’re a seasoned nonprofit leader who is tired of feeling burnt out all the time
  3. You’re a board member and want to know how to better support the organization

    I am VERY impressed with the series and recommend it to both staff and board. The series included information that was immediately relevant and valuable for ongoing improvement initiatives for our organization and board, but it also helped us put together a deeper improvement roadmap that covers the important as well as the urgent. I love to be able to review prior sessions and access presentation materials as well as sharing the information with key teammates involved in the improvement initiatives. I am considering a more comprehensive resource membership option to be able to get longer term access to materials that will be invaluable during our continuous improvement initiatives.

    John Lamirande

    The Nonprofit Leadership Development Webinar Series provided me an opportunity to refresh and improve my own nonprofit skillset, and resources to share with my clients. I am always looking for ways to stay abreast of the current trends in nonprofits, and this program allowed for that without taking up my valuable work time. I could schedule around the sessions since the full year of training dates was provided. It was affordable and time efficient.

    I would encourage leaders in nonprofits to attend and gain valuable knowledge and insight into many topics that are part of daily nonprofit life.

    – Pam Anderson

    Buy All 12 Webinars in This Series and Save


    Check here to purchase all topics in this series:

    Nonprofit Leadership Development Original price was: $564.00.Current price is: $444.00.

    Select the individual topic(s) you’d like to purchase:

    Developing Successful Leadership$47.00
    The Founder's Role in the Nonprofit They Create$47.00
    Building an A-List Board$47.00
    Executive Committees in Action$47.00
    Hiring and Firing: Executive Staff Management$47.00
    Balance of Power: The ED and Board Chair$47.00
    The Effective Executive Director$47.00
    Leadership’s Role in Partnership Planning$47.00
    Conducting Meetings that Work$47.00
    Streamlining Volunteer Management$47.00
    Timesaving Tools for Efficient Leaders$47.00
    Succession Planning: Strategies that Work$47.00

    Topics and Descriptions

    Developing Successful Leadership

    Are you tired of playing “tug of war,” operating in survival mode, or flying by the seat of your pants?

    Join FFG as we help nonprofit leaders find the balance between strategic planning and thinking. During this session, we will explain how to unite your team in strategic planning processes that celebrate individual creativity, promote teamwork, and ensures consensus.


    • Understand why nonprofits need a strategic plan to thrive
    • Explore how to engage and unify all team members in the planning process
    • Discover ways your strategic plan can strengthen leadership
    • Learn how to foster a “strategic thinking” culture so leadership can adapt while keeping plans current and relevant

    Executive Committees in Action

    Are you wasting valuable time at board meetings with “housekeeping” issues? Is one board member charged with keeping the entire board on track? Join FFG to learn how an effective executive committee contributes to efficient and consistent board governance. During this session, we will highlight job duties of nonprofit officers and share strategies for organizing and mobilizing an executive committee.


    • Break down of duties for nonprofit board officers
    • Understand differences between executive committee meetings and general board meetings
    • Explore core functions of nonprofit executive committees
    • Gain strategies for organizing and strengthening your executive committee

    The Effective Executive Director

    Are you new, floundering, or simply seeking to grow in the ED role?  Are you a board member looking for ways to support your executive staff? During this session, FFG will share the top ten things anyone can do to help a good ED become a great one. We will address myths that derail Executive Directors and strategies to help ED’s maximize impact without compromising their mental and physical health.


    • Create a shift from the “crisis mindset” to a positive and productive work environment.
    • Understand how your team’s unique brilliance can change the way you do business.
    • Determine efficient ways to establish and share priorities with your team.
    • Gain strategies to keep your team vision-focused and action-driven.
    • Maximize impact by adopting time management skills and tools.

    Streamlining Volunteer Management

    Are you struggling to balance your need for volunteers and the time it takes to manage them? Is it challenging to find the right volunteers for your organization? If you seek ways to build a volunteer program that attracts quality and consistent volunteers, this session is for you.

    Join FFG as we tackle the most challenging aspects of volunteer management and outline the top ten steps every organization can take to establish the framework for a strong and sustainable volunteer program.


    • Understand top reasons volunteers fail to engage or commit.
    • Clarify ideal volunteer prospects.
    • Establish the framework for a successful volunteer program.
    • Explore volunteer tracking tools to streamline processes.
    • Adopt communication strategies to keep volunteers engaged and energized.

    The Founder's Role in the Nonprofit They Create

    Description: Are you a nonprofit founder who needs to clarify your roles and responsibilities? Is your organization experiencing growing pains as you expand your leadership circle? FFG’s experts will lead participants into a deep dive focused on the founder’s role so all your team members understand the legal and ethical responsibilities that come with being the visionary! We will tackle the common pitfalls of “founders’ syndrome” and share practical tips and tools for navigating conflicts. We will also highlight creative ways your organization can support founders and preserve their legacy through a well-executed mission.


    • Learn the top five things every nonprofit founder should know before starting a nonprofit.
    • Discover what “founder’s syndrome is” and how to avoid it or treat it!
    • Explore how to successfully turn ‘growing pains’ into ‘growing gains.’
    • Adopt strategies to protect the founder’s vision and legacy while growing the organization

    Hiring and Firing: Executive Staff Management

    How do you know who to hire or when to let someone go? How do you balance finding staff with the qualification and skills you need with the salary you can offer?

    If you are considering hiring or firing an executive director, development director, or other key staff, this session offers a wealth of HR support. Join FFG as we dive into the questions your board and executive directors should consider when onboarding or terminating executive leaders.


    • Learn best practices of hiring and firing processes
    • Determine what to ask and expect of job candidates
    • Compare and clarify compensation norms in your field and region
    • Understand how to offset staff positions with outsourced options

    Leadership’s Role in Partnership Planning

    Do you have a “love-hate” relationship with your community partners? You love the potential impact your combined efforts can create but hate how exhausting it is to maintain timely and effective communication?

    Join FFG as we show you how to evaluate the organization’s current needs, identify potential partners, and cultivate efficient and effective partnerships.

    Our experts will break down the written partnership agreement process and share tips and templates for key agreements such as Memorandum of Understandings (MOUs). Finally, our experts will explain why strategic partnerships are more important than ever and how partnership agreements can hinder or help your growth and funding efforts.


    • Understand the difference between sponsorship and partnerships.
    • Assess organizational needs.
    • Identify best partnership prospects.
    • Outline partnership agreements for community or grant writing purposes.
    • Learn effective methods to develop and maintain strategic partnerships.

    Timesaving Tools for Efficient Leaders

    Do you constantly feel like you are bailing water from a sinking ship with a teaspoon? Are you excited about the future but know you need to maximize every minute of your workday to achieve goals?

    Whether you are consistently overwhelmed or seeking ways to grow leadership skills, this session is for you. Join FFG as we identify the most common “time vampires” that derail the productivity of nonprofit leaders. Our experts will outline proactive strategies any leader can implement to reframe priorities and reclaim the workday. Walk away with time management tips and practical tools to put the content into action.


    • Identify the time vampires in your workday.
    • Learn how to assess and prioritize tasks on your calendar.
    • Explore tools to simplify tasks.
    • Improve communication with your team.

    Building an A-List Board

    Do your board members go “MIA” between meetings? Are you dependent on a handful of active board members to do all the work? FFG’s experts have sat on both sides of the board table and are ready to help you build a team of passionate, committed, and action-oriented board leaders.

    We will show you how to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of your board, establish expectations, and implement accountability systems that produce RESULTS.


    • Understand board roles & responsibilities
    • Evaluate the effectiveness of your current board and identify the gaps
    • Identify prospective new board members
    • Outline expectations for board engagement
    • Implement strategies to increase board participation
    • Hold board members accountable to their job description, the mission, and their commitments to the organization

    Balance of Power: The ED and Board Chair

    Is there a disconnect between your board and staff? Do you struggle to get things done without stepping on toes or finger-pointing? If you are ready to take your organization to the next level, join FFG to define and develop the most essential leadership duo in the nonprofit sector- the board chair and executive director. We will dive into core functions of each role and communication norms that promote a positive leadership culture.


    • Clarify roles and responsibilities of the board chair and ED
    • Understand where the board chair’s job ends and the ED’s job begins
    • Create communication norms to reduce conflict and increase impact
    • Balance of power and participation in board meetings
    • Establish expectations and accountability

    Conducting Meetings that Work

    Are you tired of sitting through meetings that drain your energy or waste valuable time? Do structured meetings devolve into brainstorming or venting sessions with little follow-through.

    If you are ready to re-imagine the way you plan and facilitate meetings, this session is for you. FFG will outline the most common “culprits” of unsuccessful meetings and share practical tips so you can maximize every minute of your agenda.


    • Identify the common “culprits” responsible for hijacking productive meetings.
    • Explore different types of meetings (priorities and structure).
    • Create a realistic and action-driven agenda.
    • Engage your team in meaningful yet timely ways.
    • Learn to contribute to focused meetings that produce real results.

    Succession Planning: Strategies that Work

    If the most active member of your team were to walk away tomorrow, would your organization come to a screeching halt or begin a chaotic scramble to figure out the next steps? Are you prepared to guide your organization through both expected and unexpected transitions of team members?

    If the thought of losing and replacing essential team members makes you nervous, this session is for you. Join FFG as we outline strategies to ensure that your mission can move forward productively, even during transitions.


    • Understand different threats that arise from friendly and hostile transitions.
    • Learn how to protect your organization’s physical and intellectual property.
    • Determine what information you should include in transition files to prepare for both unexpected and expected turnover.
    • Explore ways a proactive communication plan ensures your team and the community know what to expect.

    Additional Webinar Series On-Demand

    A group of staff and board members in a conference room brainstorming, showing why creative thinking is important in strategic planning.

    Nonprofit Capacity Building

    Learn how to turn growing pains into growing gains. In this webinar series, we’ll show you how to engage your team in tasks that increase resources and impact. Our experts will take you, step-by-step, into capacity-building tactics and strategies.

    Grant Writing

    You don’t have time to hunt down the Google rabbit hole looking for good information. Become a grant writing pro with our 12 in-depth webinars.

    Fundraising Fundamentals

    More impact means more funding. We cover fundraising from beginning to end to help you create your own system for generating funding. If you’re new to fundraising or a fundraising pro, this webinar is for you.

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