Strategic Planning Webinar Series


Marie Palacios

Lead Consultant, Funding for Good

This series is ideal for emerging and established leaders in the for-profit, nonprofit, and government sectors.

Participants will walk away with:

  • Greater clarity around planning best practices
  • Tools to identify “best fit” facilitators
  • Meaningful ways to engage stakeholders in decision-making
  • Professional tips for drafting a written plan.

Continue reading below to learn more about each specific topic:

Strategic Planning The Beginning:

Creating a Process that Produces Results

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Did you know organizations can DOUBLE their chances of success by developing a strategic plan (aka: “business plan”) to guide growth?

This session is ideal for for-profit, nonprofit, and government leaders seeking to understand best practices for engaging team members in planning processes.

Funding for Good’s experts will break down the ten things every organization should know before committing to a comprehensive process. Participants will walk away with a greater understanding of different approaches to the process, professional tips on what works and what doesn’t, and an arsenal of strategies to generate buy-in from your team.


  • Why a strategic plan is vital for sustainable growth
  • Strategies to ensure “buy-in” from your team
  • How your vision and mission statement drive the process
  • The top ten things every organization should know before committing to a comprehensive process
  • Scope of work covered in a multi-year strategic plan
  • Tips for engaging team members in decision-making processes
  • Ways to conduct an environmental scan
  • Metrics you need to guide a current and relevant strategic planning process
  • Free tools and templates to get your organization started in the strategic planning process

Bonus Materials

  • Handouts and Downloads
  • Access to the replay until June 30, 2024

Strategic Planning The Drafting Process:

What Could and Should Be in the Final Written Document

Click Here to Learn More


Are you ready to draft a written strategic plan but wonder, “How do we narrow down all these ideas into one document?”

This workshop helps for-profit, nonprofit, and government leaders understand the three questions every well-crafted strategic plan should answer.

Funding for Good’s experts will highlight essential components of a written strategic plan and share strategies to ensure the end product is clear, concise, and compelling. We will explain how to organize the content in a way that educates and inspires readers.

Participants will learn how a well-designed “strategic planning retreat” contributes to a plan that captures your collective group’s shared vision without ignoring individual team members’ innovative ideas. This workshop is perfect for leaders seeking a wealth of tips, tools, and templates to convert strategic planning conversations and content into one LIVE written plan.


  • Learn the three questions every well-crafted strategic plan should answer
  • Walk away with a content checklist for a written strategic plan
  • Clarify content order and formatting tips
  • Gain tips on how to facilitate strategic planning conversations in ways that make capturing the content in writing easier
  • Access a variety of free tools and templates to simplify the strategic planning drafting process

Bonus Materials

  • Handouts and Downloads
  • Access to the replay until June 30, 2024

Strategic Planning With Greater Buy-In:

Engaging Stakeholders to Drive Decision-Making

Click Here to Learn More


Understanding who our stakeholders are and what they value is essential to strategic planning. Without stakeholder input throughout the planning and implementation process, organizations often fail to secure the buy-in needed to achieve goals.

This session is ideal for for-profit, nonprofit, and government leaders seeking clarity around stakeholder engagement possibilities and processes.

Join Funding for Good as we dive into creative yet proven ways to foster a culture of stakeholder engagement. This session highlights ways to streamline processes and maintain meaningful interactions with those invested in your work.


  • How to identify an organization’s stakeholders
  • Ways to engage various stakeholder groups
  • Crafting questions to secure targeted feedback
  • Generating feedback to inform decision-making processes

Bonus Materials

  • Handouts and Downloads
  • Access to the replay until June 30, 2024

Growing Beyond Strategic Planning:

Creating a Culture of Strategic Thinking

Click Here to Learn More


Are you tired of operating in a reactive work culture? Do you have a strategic plan that is collecting dust on a shelf or one that you believe can drive your team forward? Simply put, a strategic plan is only as successful as the team that implements it.

This session is ideal for for-profit, nonprofit, and government sector leaders seeking to ensure a positive, proactive work culture by cultivating a team of strategic thinkers and “doers.”

Join Funding for Good as we share best practices for minimizing distractions and maximizing results. This session is perfect for leaders seeking “take it away, use it today” tips and tools for action planning.


  • Ways strategic planning drives strategic thinking.
  • How to engage your team in streamlined action-planning processes (template included).
  • Ensuring accountability while remaining adaptable.
  • Ways to foster creativity without losing focus or momentum.

Bonus Materials

  • Handouts and Downloads
  • Access to the replay until June 30, 2024

Strategic Planning Accountability:

Keeping Plans Current and Relevant

Click Here to Learn More


Would you like to know why nearly 70% of strategic plans fail and how to ensure yours doesn’t? Ongoing action and accountability systems are essential to implementing a plan successfully.

This session is ideal for for-profit, nonprofit, and government sector leaders seeking practical tips and tools to keep plans current and relevant.

Join Funding for Good as we tackle pain points and opportunities many organizations face after approving their new plan. Participants will walk away with a greater understanding of monitoring strategic plan progress, adapting tasks and timelines, and engaging team members in tracking and reporting processes.


  • Goal-setting made easy
  • Tips for ensuring a “user-friendly and actionable” strategic plan
  • Sample strategy sessions to maintain momentum
  • How to ensure accountability at governance and management levels
  • Ways to simplify reporting processes

Bonus Materials

  • Handouts and Downloads
  • Access to the replay until June 30, 2024

Key Details

Webinar Replays

Replays Available through June 30, 2024

$47 Each

75 Minutes Each

Strategic Planning Topics

Please select the topic(s) you’d like to purchase:
Strategic Planning Webinar Series
Strategic Planning The Beginning: Creating a Process that Produces Results | $47
This webinar was taught live on April 15, 2024.
Strategic Planning The Drafting Process: What Could and Should Be in the Final Written Document | $47
This webinar was taught live on April 16, 2024.
Strategic Planning With Greater Buy-In: Engaging Stakeholders to Drive Decision-Making | $47
This webinar was taught live on April 17, 2024.
Growing Beyond Strategic Planning: Creating a Culture of Strategic Thinking | $47
This webinar was taught live on April 18, 2024.
Strategic Planning Accountability: Keeping Plans Current and Relevant | $47
This webinar was taught live on April 19, 2024.
Strategic Planning Webinar Series
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