It's on its way!

Are you ready to get started? We hope so because the download link for that goodie is going to hit your inbox any second now.

We send out a weekly email with great tips and insights to help your organization grow. If you’d like even more great free content, check out our the Free Templates and Tools section on our Resources page right here.

If for whatever reason you don’t receive the download link in email within the next 30 minutes, just email us and we’ll personally make sure it’s sent to you.

Don't Forget

To help you get the most out of your Funding for Good experience, let’s make sure our emails are getting to the right place.

Please add these addresses to your Address Book or Contact List:

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

Need help? Click here for instructions.

Funding for Good – Email “Whitelist” Instructions:

Your providers do the best they can to keep spam out, but sometimes the systems they use mistakenly catch good mail along with it.

So, we ask that you add us to your trusted list of senders, contacts or address book. All also known as “Whitelisting.”

If you do not see an email from [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], or [email protected] in your Inbox, our emails may have mistakenly been sent to your spam folder.

Please open your spam folder and if you find an email from any of us, please open it and mark it as “Not spam”…

If any of our emails are being filtered, try adding [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], and [email protected] to your Address Book or Contact List.

If messages continue to be sent to your junk folder contact your ISP or spam filter application support and ask how to whitelist our Funding for Good email addresses.