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Bookkeeping and Accounting Basics:
What Every Small Business Owner Should Know

Presented by: Mandy Pearce joined by Dawn Brady

  • Wednesday, June 21, 2023
  • }2:00pm - 3:15pm ET
    11am PT
    12pm MT
    1pm CT
  • 75 Minutes
  • Replay Expires August 18, 2023


Do you find yourself asking questions about accounting, business structure, what’s a write-off and what’s not, and how to save the most money as a business owner? Would you like to know the answer to these questions and more, so you can better grasp how to run your business effectively, when it’s time to outsource your accounting, and what you are responsible for when it comes to reporting financials?

Most consultants have a special skill and want to start a business so they can take a deep dive into their unique brilliance AND make money without working for someone else, or on someone else’s schedule. But, not everyone knows the ins and outs of when to be on payroll, how much they should pay themselves, what quarterly taxes are, etc.

Working with clients, planting seeds for future work, keeping projects moving forward, and planning next steps in your business is a full-time job. If you are ready to learn what you need to know about accounting for your business, and some nifty tips and tricks to save you a little money too, this session is for you.

My amazing bookkeeper/accountant has agreed to join me for the one-time event to answer all our accounting/bookkeeping questions!

We we’ll cover:

  • Questions to consider when determining if you should be on payroll.
  • Parameters for determining how much you should pay yourself, if you ARE on payroll.
  • What are quarterly taxes and how do you know if you need to pay them, and how to calculate how much to pay quarterly.
  • What are annual reports and who files them.
  • What questions to ask when exploring hiring an accountant/bookkeeper.
  • How much to budget for accounting/bookkeeping services.
  • 6 deductions small business owners should be aware of, and how to document them
  • Pros and cons of hiring vs contracting
  • What types of things should you ask for/expect an accountant/bookkeeper to do, and how often.
  • What are the pros/cons to consider about various business structures.