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FREE WEBINAR: Why Should I Sign Up for Your News?


Why Should I Sign Up for Your News?

Presented by: Ephraim Gopin with Mandy Pearce

  • Thursday, February 1, 2024
  • }2:00pm - 3:15pm ET
    11am PT
    12pm MT
    1pm CT
  • 75 Minutes
  • Replay Expires March 1, 2024


Email is a great platform for building relationships and connecting with current and potential new clients. However, as a consultant, you might not be sure you have anything of value to share.

Join me as we look at the different types of valuable content you could be sharing with subscribers so that they’ll keep opening and clicking.

We we’ll cover:

  • How to use email to build more relationships and mobilize people to take action
  • Your awesomesauce: The two-way street
  • Different types of content to share with email subscribers
  • How valuable content will engage subscribers, boost your click thru and conversion rate

Ephraim Gopin, a fundraising and marketing expert, is the founder of 1832 Communications, an agency which partners with nonprofits to help them build more relationships so they can raise more money, serve more people and have more impact in their community.

Ephram is the publisher of Email 366, a free service which will teach you how to deliver effective nonprofit emails your audience will be eager to open, read, click and act upon. Each day you’ll receive a fresh, short actionable email tip that will help your nonprofit use email to build more relationships and raise more money in 2024 and beyond.

His two plus decades of experience as a CEO, fundraiser, marketing and communications director, grant writer and more afforded him the unique position where he could learn not just broadly how an organization functions but see the intersecting parts under the nonprofit hood. Ephraim knows how nonprofits operate and intimately understands the fundraising and marketing pain points and challenges they face.

But it goes beyond awareness: He has a proven track record of solving them.

Ephraim crafts custom strategies focused on website, email, content, social media, video and more so organizations are in the best position possible to fundraise from their target audience.

The goal? Stabilize revenue and provide sustainability for programs.

The organizations Ephraim partners with move from survival to thrival mode and experience growth. When fundraising and marketing work in tandem it’s a beautiful thing!