Grant Research During Difficult Times – Replay


Webinar Replay with Handouts
This course was taught live on April 14th, 2021
Duration: 1.5 hours

This webinar is designed to help you learn the details needed to begin research, what questions to ask foundations, and how to understand changing funding cycles.


In times of change, grant research becomes an exhausting game of whack-a-mole.
You need more funding to address the needs of your community, yet foundation cycles and criteria shifts. It’s time-consuming and frustrating.
And you needed the funding yesterday.

Win the game of whack-a-mole by avoiding common pitfalls to cut down on frustration as you work to locate funders whose priorities match your needs.

This webinar is designed to help you learn the details needed to begin research, what questions to ask foundations, and how to understand changing funding cycles.
You’ll develop the skills to find the right foundations so you can apply for the right funding.

Key Takeaways:
● The details you need before you can begin any research
● Research management to make efficient use of your time
● Over-the-shoulder navigation of organizational websites to locate funding opportunities
● Grant databases and other resources that fit your specific needs
● Questions to ask during difficult times to identify the best prospects
● The top two prospect searches and how to run them yourself

Our Commitments:
● There will be time to answer questions at the end.
● Any question we can’t answer we’ll email you directly afterward.
● If you can’t make the live event but are registered, you’ll get the follow-up email with replay and handouts good through May 31, 2021.