Writing with Intent

Webinar Series:
Grant Writing

Full participation in the below outlined presentations is applicable for # GPCI Education Point(s) towards acquiring the GPC (Grant Professional Certified) or in maintaining their GPC certification.

Pro-level (& accessible) trainings for everyone working hard towards sustainable funding


Handouts Included


60 Minutes



$47 Each


1 year after purchase

About The Series

We’re all busy.

We’re all trying to make big changes in our organizations.

We don’t have time to go hunting down the Google rabbit-hole looking for information that goes beyond “The Top 10 Tips for Grant Writing.” So we developed a Grant Writing Webinar Series.

At Funding For Good, we have over 40 years of combined experience helping organizations train, grow, and build sustainable funding models.

Our Grant Writing Series is for you if:

  1. You’ve never written a grant before and want high-quality training
  2. You’re a writing pro & need to keep your skills up-to-date

“These courses are organized, clear and the format is easy to follow. I always take away something new or the information is a good refresher! I always have at least one take away and new resources.”

– Caroline

“I’m always looking to learn more about grant writing and board engagement. As a nonprofit ED, I have to always be looking for ways to adapt and change. I got more than what I hoped for because I am still able to use the information I learned and apply it to a broad scope of grant writing strategies and board engagement tactics.”

– Alison

“I appreciate the comprehensiveness of the webinars. It keeps me grounded and focused on the work and gives me just enough so that I can continue on without being overwhelmed. I always appreciate the quality of the presentations. Bravo! You really care about us. And the content? Superb. Always thought provoking and gives me a way to take the next step.”

– Mary Ann

Buy All 12 Webinars in This Series and Save


Check here to purchase all topics in this series:

Grant Writing Webinar Series Original price was: $564.00.Current price is: $444.00.

Select the individual topic(s) you’d like to purchase:

Grant Writing: What the Pros Know$47.00
Effective Grant Research$47.00
Time-Saving Templates$47.00
Executive Summaries & Letter of Inquiries$47.00
Learning to Share Your Sandbox$47.00
Creating Program Designs that Pack a Punch$47.00
Budgeting to Fully Fund Your Overhead$47.00
Sustainability Planning$47.00
Partnership Agreements Made Easy$47.00
Cold Turkey Conversations with Donors$47.00
The Measure of Success$47.00

Topics and Descriptions

Grant Writing: What the Pros Know

New to grant writing or find yourself writing grants without success?

This course gives you a comprehensive introduction to grant writing, outlines what should be included in each grant component, and helps you steer clear of the most common pitfalls.

Course Takeaways:

  1. Determine if your organization is prepared to apply for grant funding.
  2. List and describe the seven major elements of most grant proposals.
  3. Learn how to be proactive in your grant writing, instead of reactive.
  4. Write a data-based description of the problem your nonprofit cares about.
  5. Define specific, measurable outcomes and demonstrate your organization can deliver them.
  6. Understand the grant proposal review process.
  7. Understand the need for grant research.
  8. Become familiar with questions that need to be answered prior to beginning research.
  9. Explain the characteristics of a good prospect.

Effective Grant Research

What would your organization look like if you were able to more easily and efficiently find the foundations that would support your work?

This course is designed to help you learn the details needed to begin research, to conduct successful grant research, and the skill set to help save you time in your searches so you can actually begin writing.

We also log in and do grant research on an online database and you can get a first-hand look at the tools available to you with online databases. I’ll even show you how to find locations to use this resource for free.

Course Takeaways:

  1. The details needed before you can begin any research
  2. Management of research to make efficient use of your time
  3. How to navigate organizational websites to locate funding opportunities
  4. Grant databases and other resources that fit your specific needs
  5. Pitfalls to avoid that will save you time & cut down on frustration as you work to locate funders whose priorities match your needs.

Time-Saving Templates

Crafting an effective template that you can re-use for almost any grant proposal can save you time and help you generate more funding.

This course offers lots of quick tips to make sure your narrative captures the donor’s interests, answers key questions, and increases your chances for funding.

Course Takeaways:

  1. Streamline the grant writing process to save time, create consistent messaging, & generate more funding
  2. Break down the narrative portion of grant proposals
  3. Learn how to create a reusable template for your organization

Executive Summaries & Letter of Inquiries

How do you keep an appeal “short and sweet,” while still making sure they are complete?

This course focuses on the skills needed to break down a large proposal and effectively communicate key information in the form of an Executive Summary or Letter of Inquiry (LOI).
Join us and learn what donors are looking for in these “compact proposal” narratives and what should be reserved for the full proposal or in-person dialogue.

Course Takeaways:

  1. The difference between an Executive Summary and an LOI
  2. Key components of an Executive Summary
  3. Key components of a Letter of Inquiry
  4. Quick tips to make sure every sentence packs a punch and gets the donor’s attention.
  5. Helpful hints on what NOT to include in an Executive Summary and LOI

Learning to Share Your Sandbox

With more organizations chasing scarcer funds, funders are choosing to invest their resources into projects that exhibit higher levels of community collaboration.

For nonprofits that operate in “survival mode,” it’s often a challenge to view similar community organizations as anything other than a competitor vying for the same pots of funding.

It is critical that each organization evaluate its mission in light of their community needs and available resources.

Course Takeaways:

  1. Why strategic partnerships can help your organization make a bigger impact
  2. Fundamental concepts of understanding, developing, and maintaining strategic partnerships
  3. How to ensure long-term organizational success
  4. How to collaborate in the creation of successful funding proposals

Creating Program Designs that Pack a Punch

Are you ready to launch a new program, revamp an existing one, or start fundraising/grant writing for a program?

Join Funding for Good in this course focused on program and project design. Our experts will engage participants in the program design process from A-Z to ensure you have addressed key questions, budgeting, and program impact goals.

Course Takeaways:

  1. Best practices to grow mission-focused programs that generate awareness, impact, capacity, and community support.
  2. Understand key components of the program/project design process
  3. Evaluate potential strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats facing your program
  4. Craft SMART program goals and objectives
  5. Implement best practices and strategies to grow mission-focused programs
  6. Access free tools to support your program development initiatives

Budgeting to Fully Fund Your Overhead

Are you faced with tough decisions or being forced to “cut back” because your organization isn’t able to fully fund your operating budget?

Unfortunately, it’s easier to fund your programs and special projects than it is to raise the dollars you need to keep the lights on.

This course will identify the building blocks of a strong budget and explain how nonprofits can easily raise the dollars needed to cover overhead costs. We will discuss how proper budgeting will propel grant proposals to success and how to use messaging to raise these much-needed funds.

Course Takeaways:

  1. How to write a realistic budget for your organization, programs, and projects
  2. The difference between and fully fundable budget and what most organizations create
  3. The 3 items most budgets are missing
  4. Steps to diversifying your funding streams
  5. How to express needs to prospective donors in ways that will ignite their passion to support your work
  6. The top 3 metrics you should analyze regularly from your budget
  7. How to begin to change the culture around budgets in a way that allows you to find funding more easily


You know how much your projects need to be brought to life…but converting that into budget line items on a grant is a teeth-pulling process.

In this course you’ll learn how to deconstruct project components to create manageable, measurable, and meaningful grant budget line items.

Course Takeaways:

  1. Be able to identify the line-items needed in an organization budget versus a program/project budget
  2. Begin thinking about needs vs wants in your program design and how to write each into a budget
  3. Learn how to be generally specific to more easily fund those hard-to-secure items

Sustainability Planning

How do you empower your donors to donate more AND become advocates for your cause?

Grants should only be one part of your funding plans…but talking to donors feels like so much more work. In this course, we’ll cover how to communicate with donors that their immediate support lays the foundation for long-term sustainability and success.

Course Takeaways:

  1. Break down the key components of “sustainability planning”
  2. Quick tips for including a capacity building component into every proposal/appeal.
  3. Effective communication strategies to engage and retain donors

Partnership Agreements Made Easy

Many donors require proof of partnership.

Submitting the wrong agreement could jeopardize your chances of being awarded grant dollars for that important program or project!

This defines the four most common written partnership agreement documents. We will then break down the key components of letters of support, partnership agreement letters, sub-contracts, and memorandum of agreements.

Course Takeaways:

  1. Define each of the four most common partnership agreements
  2. Outline key components of each partnership agreement template
  3. Share effective verbiage
  4. Confirm how to secure timely, accurate, and impactful agreement letters from YOUR community partners

Cold Turkey Conversations with Foundations

You need donors to keep your doors open, but cold calls are an anxiety-producing task.
It can feel like a necessary evil.

Make it less scary by learning how to create opportunities by effectively courting donors in this course.

Course Takeaways:

  1. Learn best practices for reaching out to donors and foundations
  2. Learn a variety of ways to engage prospects
  3. Learn some insider tips on how to build lasting relationships with all donors
  4. Learn the type of donor relations that create donor retention and how to begin creating your own donor relations plan now

The Measure of Success

Explore ways to share your program or project impact in ways that generate income and awareness.

This course breaks down key components of goals setting, data tracking, and reporting processes.

Course Takeaways:

  1. A review of SMART Goals
  2. Strategies and systems to effectively track and evaluate key data
  3. Strategies to track and share impact in ways that keep your donor engaged

Additional Webinar Series On-Demand

A group of staff and board members in a conference room brainstorming, showing why creative thinking is important in strategic planning.

Nonprofit Capacity Building

Learn how to turn growing pains into growing gains. In this webinar series, we’ll show you how to engage your team in tasks that increase resources and impact. Our experts will take you, step-by-step, into capacity-building tactics and strategies.

Nonprofit Leadership Development

Learn how to build a positive culture of leadership to fulfill your mission. We’re covering everything nonprofit leadership: strategic planning, roles, board development, time management, and more.

Fundraising Fundamentals

More impact means more funding. We cover fundraising from beginning to end to help you create your own system for generating funding. If you’re new to fundraising or a fundraising pro, this webinar is for you.

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